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Older Americans Month: Aging Unbound

Older Americans Month: Aging Unbound

Older Americans Month celebration is now at 60 years. It has been celebrated in May since 1963 as the best way to recognize the older generations’ efforts and wins, highlight key trends in aging experiences, and ensure that people are encouraged to respect senior individuals.

This year’s theme is Aging Unbound which revolves around spreading the word on the importance of an independent and fulfilled aging experience.

Americans celebrate this day as a solid foundation for proclaiming the efforts done by the government to enhance financial security and dignity.

When the first proclamation of Older Americans Month was made by then President John F. Kennedy, it was documented that early half of seniors lacked health insurance, and about a third lived in poverty.

In brief, the Whitehouse article( A Proclamation on Older Americans Month, 2023 – The White House ) states that the country has come together to address the catastrophe.

Therefore, new adoptions are to be done in Medicare to provide the elders with high quality but affordable healthcare to curb the lack of health insurance.

In addition, social security is a cornerstone of American retirement; thus, bolstering it lifts many seniors out of poverty. Also, Americans who work hard in their lifetime are given vital breathing room with no fear of putting food on the table and having medication, among other basic needs.

The above shows a high level of inclusivity in the country.

Furthermore, connecting, sharing resources, and celebrating diversely is the best way to utilize the season.

These Event planning tips will help you think in the process to ensure that the below activity ideas are implemented.

Here are some tips to get you to acknowledge Older American Month, according to

  1. Plan to teach through a seminar, lecture, or workshop by holding a lesson promoting knowledge and supporting senior citizens this season.
  2. People love entertainment, don’t they? Therefore, organize a musical performance where people can experience joy, healing, and bond. The songs should relate to the audience(the theme or genre), whether played by a band or as a downloaded version.
  3. Play games. Plan by ensuring people carry their favorite games that will be used. It enhances bonding and fun and ensures inclusivity.

Making the day fun will enhance education from the older and younger generations, and their experiences will inspire this season.